Coaching and Training
In-person/phone consultation: Sometimes all you want to do is talk through your business with someone that has been there and who can give you a different point of view. A consultation session leverages decades of expertise across the food industry, a deep understanding of consumer trends and behaviors, and a unique grasp of retail channels.
Consumer Interviewing/Ethnographic training: develop curricula, sessions and take-away templates to help teams hone their skills at talking to their customer
Insight Training: What is an insight? Does your team know the difference between an insight and an observation? Can they leverage insights quickly for your business? Insight Training gives your team the skills necessary to translate qualitative and quantitative learning into profitable insights.
CPG Innovation Thinking Training: Everyone talks about Design Thinking, which is great, but Design Thinking was developed for the tech industry, not CPG. Instead of signing up your team for generic online classes or bringing in an instructor that’s never worked in CPG, consider training that is developed around your systems and your products.